Dakota Saddles

This is an "old Timer favorite. One piece seat turned rough side out with matching fenders. Square point skirts and border tooling make this a good saddle for Western re-enactments. Especially if you choose to string it through with leather conchos. Notice the felt lining on the skirt bottoms. Choose between the felt or fleece bottoms. Price includes hoof pick holder, rear dees, flank set, and nylon front tie straps for a closer laying knot. Laced pommel adds depth and style. Comfort cutter horn.   

No. DAK-110 Hard Seat Cutter

  • TREE:  Steele Equi-Fit fiberglass covered  Quarterhorse bars. 5 Year Warranty
  • HORN: 4" Rawhide Braided
  • RIGGING: Double stainless steel dees, 7/8" position.
  • CANTLE: 3 ˝"
  • STIRRUP LEATHERS: 2˝"  stainless steel with leather covered buckles.
  • FINISH: Old West border stamp - Montana Silver Conchos.
  • COLOR: Dark Golden Brown (Other colors available)
  • WEIGHT: Approx. 35 pounds

NOTE: The reasons Pricing is left off:  1) Dakota  asked us not to advertise our low pricing.  2) Almost all of these saddles are customized for you, and the Low Pricing must be figured depending on the many options chosen.  Thanks!

Seat Sizes

Compare At:

Our CC Price

15", 16"


17" $1365.00 $
18" $1460.00 $

Our Price:  

Our CC Prices are Too Low To Advertise.  Dakota requested that we not post our actual delivered prices.   We will deliver more saddle value for the buck than anyone; because, we know more about riding, and fitting saddles than most! (No brag, just fact!)

Really, with all the many options available, these saddles are hard to price without a conversation anyway.   Thanks, Chuck

And don't forget about a matching breast collar with your saddle! Cultured Cowboy carries a full complement of tack and accessories for you and your horse.

 Please e-mail or call us for a friendly quote on your “Dream Saddle”. 

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